Group Library Folder/Collection Syncing Issue

edited February 9, 2018

I am working with a shared group library ( ) and there's something funny going on with the folder/collections. Between different user accounts/machines we are showing different numbers of records in the subfolders/collections.

This is particularly odd because the syncing seems to be working and was generating no errors. We specifically verified that updating a collection and a record synced successfully across both machines/accounts at the same time as we documented that the folder/collection item count totals were not the same. It appears that some of the folder/collection changes lawynholds made at one point did not carry over to lvonklan.

For example:
Between users lvonklan and lawynholds, one shows as having 31 'unfiled' items, the other as 32. The 'missing' record is still in the library, just filed in the collection '/dog minds'.

I am at a loss as to how to proceed...
  • If you make any change to the item on the computer where it's in the collection (Computer A) and then sync that computer and then the other one (Computer B), does it appear in the collection on Computer B?
  • I'm not 100% sure of what you're asking, but we did test the syncing:

    We updated one of the tags on one of the 'idiosyncratic' items and the change was successfully sync'ed (the change in the tags populated across both machines/accounts) but the collection location remained disparate between the two computers/accounts.

    I'll test it again today during our meeting and will post examples with exact item ID information. I didn't actually check to see which subcollection the items were in on the web interface (we were comparing the two local zotero clients).

    (We had some similar problems last fall, but were able to resolve them. At that time they were primarily related to running different build versions of zotero in conjunction with some bug with zotero's trash folder. Once we emptied the trash and upgraded everyone to the latest version, it went away. In this case, we have already verified that we've emptied the group trash and are both running the most up to date version of zotero)

  • Yeah, the point here is to ignore differences between clients, since clients don't sync directly. All that matters, from the perspective of troubleshooting, is comparing one client to the online library.

    So specifically:
    We updated one of the tags on one of the 'idiosyncratic' items and the change was successfully sync'ed (the change in the tags populated across both machines/accounts) but the collection location remained disparate between the two computers/accounts.
    The question here would be whether the item you changed the tag on was in a given collection, and whether it has the tag and shows up in that collection in the online library after syncing. If not, we'd want to see a Debug ID for the first sync after making the change.
  • hi hi,

    I identified one record (itemKey/M3RD7GCT - Gonadal Hart/Eckstein)
    In digging in to the record and, I verified that the server had the item as 'unfiled' and my client had the item in the collection '/dog bodies'.

    When my colleague (lvonklan) made a change to it on her machine/account, the change was populated to my client, but the folder difference remained. When I made a change to it on my client/account, the change was successful and the folder mismatch was resolved to match the server (=unfiled collection). However, it did NOT generate a server/client conflict message.

    There are two additional items that have disparities between my client and the server that have still not been resolved.

    What is the best way to resolve the disparity? I'm concerned about did it arise in the first place and why isn't it being caught by the server/client conflict warnings? Has that sync conflict warning message been deprecated?
  • (should I identify one of the other records and upload a debug report for it?)
  • See the info I asked for in my previous message.
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