Custom translator is being overwritten

This discussion was created from comments split from: Translators.
  • I have a question about the data directory located for me in C:\Users\\Zotero\.
    I would like to import my own translator but when I put the file in the translators directory the file is automaticaly deleted when I start Zotero.
    I follow the documentation : but the automatic update process is not mentioned.
    Where could I put my own translator to use it in Zotero ?
    Thank you for your answer.
  • @ajeancharles: You likely reused an id from an existing translator, so it's being overwritten by the bundled translator with that id.

    We recommend writing translators in Scaffold, which among other things will generate a new id for you.
  • To be precise I download the translator Bib2Hal_git.js from
    So I used Scaffold to generate a new id and replace it in Bib2Hal.js.
    Same result.
    Now I'm sure that The problem come from the js file.
    Thank you @dstillman
  • I'm pretty sure the problem is still the ID and you did something wrong in replacing it. The ID on that translator is the one of the built-in BibTeX translator, so that was definitely the problem initially.
  • edited February 8, 2018
    Thanks @adamsmith
    Before read your post I resolved the problem by copy-paste code and metadata in Scaffold. It gives me another new ID.
    Thank you for your help.
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