note disappeared... anyone had the same problem?

One note just disappeared. It's an attached note to a PDF file. The contents were suddenly replaced by another note attached to another file. And I couldn't restore it.

No idea what happened or how to resolve it. Anyone got the same problem?
  • Can you provide a Report ID to start?
  • report ID 2068890978

    I'm not sure this problem was included in this report... because it just happened all out of sudden...
  • While note contents being replaced would obviously be a bug, it looks like you're getting many errors about notes that are too long to sync, likely from having embedded images in notes. Embedded images in notes aren't supported and can't be synced, and you may into weird issues with note handling as long as you have those. We plan to provide proper support for embedded notes in the future.

    For the lost note, you may be able to restore it from an automatic backup of your Zotero database.
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