Add support for saving/autofill proxy password

A happy zotero user here. I have one feature request. My company uses the proxy authentication for internet. Zotero does prompts for the proxy authentication (thumbs up..!!) However, it is cumbersome to type proxy username and password every time I open. Can anything to be done to either save the password or autofill the password??
It would be a great help.
Thank you.
  • I have no problem with this, the name and password are filled in automatically. It is a function of web browser not of Zotero.
  • @parthpatel is referring to the proxy auth popup in Zotero, not the web browser.

    This is a known issue, but unless someone contributes a patch it's unlikely to be done in Zotero's current architecture.
  • @LiborA have you done anything special? As in my web browser, name and passwords are filled automatically, not in zotero.
    @dstillman okay then..
  • LiborA is talking about something else.
  • Zotero 5.0.88, available now, provides an option to remember the proxy username and password. You may also want to open the Config Editor in the Advanced pane of the preferences and toggle signon.autologin.proxy to true. That'd be the equivalent of the "Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved" option in the Firefox proxy preferences. We may enable that by default in a future version.
  • This is appriciated..!! Thank you @dstillman
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