Word Font Issues When Pasting Zotero Bibliography

I have set my MSWord default font settings for all my documents to Calibri, 11pt.

However, when I copy Zotero references to a Word document by using the Copy Bibliography function in the Standalone Edit menu, the references keep getting pasted in Times New Roman font. Is there something I need to change in Zotero for the bibliography to paste in my Word default font? I know I can always change the font in the Word document after pasting, but it would be great to save this step.

Curiously, when I paste a footnote or endnote using the Copy Citation function in the Standalone Edit menu, the integrity of my Word font choice/default is maintained.

  • Zotero pastes references into the document using the Bibliography style in Word. Check to be sure that that style doesn’t have Times set as the default.
  • edited January 31, 2018
    It doesn't for me. I have all styles I'm aware of, including Bibliography (which is hard to find in the first place), set to Garamond and Zotero pastes into Word with Times New Roman consistently.

    I know that Zotero doesn't specify a font in the HTML for the clipboard (e.g. in Google Docs it's just Arial, i.e. the default), but is there something that Word reads as TNR?

    As a workaround, right-click --> Merge Formatting keeps the original font (but doesn't keep indenting).
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