Some of my citations stopped being fields and duplicate themselves.


I am using Word for Mac and upgraded to the new version 16.9.1. I lust upgraded Zotero to 5.0.3. I have read about all the issues with word 16.9 that are already in the forum. Still, I could not find a post about the issues I am specifically experiencing:

I had a document with a lot of citations in it. At some point I wanted to insert a new citation of type "Dictionary Entry". Weirdly, it got inserted not as field, but as plain text. Also it did not take over the formatting of the rest of the text, but defaulted to Times New Roman size 11. All other citations worked fined, only dictionary entries seemed to be wrong. I tried to sync the database and reinstalled the zotero connector and everything, but it only made it worse:

In addition I have now about 30% of my citations in the document converted from fields to plain text. They also lost their formatting. And some duplicated themselves. Where I had one field citation before, I now sometimes have 4 times the same citation in plain text. Sometimes even in different formattings!!! Also they are all disconnected from Zotero, I cannot edit them anymore.

I am kinda freaking out here as I am writing my thesis and already spend like 8 hours yesterday trying to fix this with no success... any help is greatly appreciated!
  • First start by upgrading Zotero to

    If the errors continue, then this is because Word 16.9.1 broke several parts of the Zotero integration. For now, your best approach is to click the Document Preferences Button in the Zotero tab in Word and change “Store Citations Using” from Fields to Bookmarks. Bookmarks can be more fragile than Fields and aren’t usually recommended, but they are working correctly for the time being in current versions of Word.
  • Great it is all working now! Even with fields. This is very weird, I clicked on update just this morning, but it only installed some older version of Zotero. I hit update again after reading this comment here and now I have Thanks!
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