Citation no longer producing fields in WORD
Recently, when I add a new citation to a document (using MHRA3), the footnote is produced (correctly) as ordinary text, not as a WORD field. I have checked the WORD settings and the 'save citations as' is still set to 'field'. If I select the footnote to change it, however, it does not highlight it as a field, and it tells me I cannot change it, as I have not selected a Zotero field.
Citations previously produced as fields are still OK, even after a refresh, but if I select one and try to change it, I get a popup with the message "Zotero experienced an error updating your document. The operation couldn't be completed. (OSStatus error -1728.) @[prepareReadFieldCode:document.m:211]". What on earth does that mean?
This is most annoying! How do I fix this problem?
I have the latest versions of Zotero and WORD for Mac 2016 with all updates installed.
Citations previously produced as fields are still OK, even after a refresh, but if I select one and try to change it, I get a popup with the message "Zotero experienced an error updating your document. The operation couldn't be completed. (OSStatus error -1728.) @[prepareReadFieldCode:document.m:211]". What on earth does that mean?
This is most annoying! How do I fix this problem?
I have the latest versions of Zotero and WORD for Mac 2016 with all updates installed.
adamsmithCould you give us exact version numbers of Zotero and Word, please?