Adjusting margins in styles

edited January 26, 2018

For example, based on the APA csl, I can adjust line-spacing="2" to get different line spacing:

<bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="8" et-al-use-first="6" et-al-use-last="true" entry-spacing="0" line-spacing="2">

When I copy to clipboard, and paste to google doc, I always get an extra left margin, i.e. a margin that is further indented than the actual text. When I save from Zotero to html, I get this:

<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; margin-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;">

Is there any way in which I can adjust the margin-left / text-ident via the CSL?

Many thanks!
  • edited January 26, 2018
    No, the actual values are fixed (their presence is determined by hanging-indent="true")
  • Thanks!

    Actually, for line-spacing="1.15" I get a CSL warning on import. The actual line spacing in google docs is 1.35.

    With line-spacing="1", I don't get that error, but still the line spacing is 1.35.

    So I guess the line-spacing has to be an integer?
  • The indent can be fixed by simple using hanging-indent="false" - google docs will replicate the previous paragraph indent it seems. So actually, you get an indent, but it's the same as the previous para one, which is fine!

    Unfortunately the same is not true for the spacing.
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