Thesis Type in Chicago Footnotes

Hello -

New user here.

In citing a dissertation using Chicago style full note (17th ed.), the document type (in this case, PhD diss.) should appear in the citation:

Alexandra M. Lewis, “Evocations of Water at the Piano” (PhD diss., City University of New York, 2005), ProQuest/UMI (3187399).

My output in Zotero, however, appears without the type, even when the field is entered:

Alexandra M. Lewis, “Evocations of Water at the Piano” (City University of New York, 2005), ProQuest/UMI (3187399).

This is true in previews and in copy to keyboard. I'm not familiar enough with with the system to use the style editor, I don't think, unless I get some help. Is there a way to get the document type to appear as I need it?

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