Sync error (report id 33781855)

I am receiving this error when I attempt to sync Zotero:

"An error occurred during syncing:

A file sync error occurred. Please try syncing again.

If you receive this message repeatedly, restart Zotero and/or your computer and try again. If you continue to receive the message, submit an error report and post the Report ID to a new thread in the Zotero Forums."

I restarted Zotero and then restarted my computer. I continue to receive the error.

I submitted an error report. The report ID is 33781855.

Looking at the report, the error seems to be connected with a TIFF file attached to an item in a group library, but I'm not sure what is the problem here. I would appreciate help resolving this. Thank you.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces this?
  • Debug ID: D631602449
  • Are you still having trouble? I think this would've just been a temporary issue.
  • Yes, I am still seeing this error when I try to sync as of right now.
  • Could I see another Debug ID?
  • Here is another Debug ID: D313201252
  • Are you running any non-standard security software on your computer? Is there anything that might be causing a delay in requests going through?

    Basically, for a file sync download, Zotero makes a request to the Zotero servers and then gets redirected to the file on the Amazon cloud storage service, but that second request (currently) has to finish within 60 seconds of the first one. For some reason on your computer there's an 80-second delay before the second request goes through, by which time the request has expired.

    We can adjust that timeout, but this is pretty odd behavior, so it's worth figuring out if there's something on your computer or network that might be causing this.

    If you just load, do you get a response immediately. (It's fine if it says Access Denied — all that matters is that it loads right away.)
  • How strange. No, there is no non-standard security software on my computer. It's a 2016 MacBook Pro running macOS High Sierra 10.13.2. I've not installed any new software recently on my computer, and this problem with Zotero sync started happening suddenly without any seeming changes to my computer. Yes, if I load the link you provided, it loads immediately.
  • And this persists if you restart Zotero, your computer, and/or your router?

    If you open Terminal (via Spotlight) and type dig and press Return, do you get a response immediately, or is there a delay? If you try that a few times (you can press up-arrow to retrieve the previous command and avoid retyping), is it always fast?
  • Yes, I have restarted Zotero, restarted my computer, and now restarted my router as well. If I type in this command in the Terminal, I get an immediate response. I did it about 20 times in a row, and I did not see any noticeable delay; it seems to respond immediately.
  • Are you still seeing this?
  • Yes, I am still seeing the same problem.
  • If you're able to try, do you see the same behavior on another network?
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