1 User-Account used by more than 1 person - possible with „Zotero Storage unlimited“?

Hello, we want to use Zotero in our office (30 employees). Therefore we prefer to lay out:
1. One Admin-Account, which is used only by one single person for the administration
of entrys
2. One User-Account, which can be used by all our employees for research

Is this possible with „Zotero Storage unlimited“? And do our employees have the option to do their researches simultaneously with just one User-Account for all employees?
Or do we have to lay out a User-Account for every single employee, even with „Zotero Storage unlimited“?
  • You can use "one account" for everybody. Each person will use the same username and password. But there is no difference between User-account and Administrator-account. You can also use groups for sharing metadata and in this case, each employer can have your own account and one of account will be an administrator (owner) of a group.
  • I would recommend against having all employees use one account. That severely limits your flexibility (each user can’t maintain their own personal library) and can be a security pain (to change the password when employees leave). It also makes it impossible to have different levels of permission (user vs admin) for different employees in a group. Instead, I would recommend you have an Admin Account with unlimited storage like you propose. Make the Admin Account the owner of all of your lab Groups and invite each employee to be a member of the relevant groups. This setup is very common and endorsed by Zotero.
  • Allright, thank you for your advice!
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