Title of the encyclopedia in the footnote

edited January 18, 2018
When I cite an article from Wikipedia in Chicago note style, only the title of the article appears in the footnote. Is there a way to let the title of the encyclopedia appear as well, e.g. Wikipedia, "Education"?
  • You could add Wikipedia as an author, but otherwise not without significant and fairly complex editing in the style.
  • Thank you adamsmith,
    If i add it as an author, this will repeat the Wikipedia title in the bibliography as well. which is wrong.
    should i change the item type of the reference to some thing else rather than Encyclopedia Article?
  • Changing item type won't help. Chicago Short notes just cite author and title. The Chicago Manual is actually a bit weird on Wikipedia in that it suggests you don't list it in the bibliography at all, but just mention it in notes (chapter 14.233 if you're curious), which in Zotero terms would mean probably manually citing them.
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