No metadata from EBSCO

I am trying to download references for items off of EBSCO. In the past Zotero would get the metadata and saving to Zotero would result in a journal reference.
Now when I do it, the icon shows "Save to Zotero (PDF)" but it only saves a web page reference with the title but no journal information.
Is this the expected behavior now?
Is there a way to add journal title. volume, and other info to the created web page item type or to manually change the item type?


Using Zotero 5.0.34 with Firefox extension 5.0.31 under Ubuntu 16.0.4 and Firefox Quantum 57.0.4
  • How about when you're looking at the item page rather than the PDF view? Does that work? It's possible that Zotero is simply not able to recognize EBSCO because of the way the resource is proxied, though (the part -- that usually says or so)
  • Yes, it does work if I go to the item page and not the PDF. Thank you.
  • we can look, but we might not be able to get this to work on the PDF page. Does the PDF attach when you save from the item page?
  • It does not appear to attach the pdf. I can download the pdf separately and then attach it to the Zotero item. This is fine for me and is not a lot of extra work. The issue for me was to get the complete citation and not have to manually add authors, journal title etc.
  • Sure, though we ideally would want this to work properly and as conveniently as possible -- I'll see if there's some way to look into that, but as I said it's likely due to the Bentley proxy, so there might not be.
  • Thank you. As i keep trying, the current behavior is a little erratic, but functional. I earlier versions the proxy was not such a problem. I can function now but hope a fix will come in a reasonable time. Thank you for your help.
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