Inserting endnotes in Mac Word

Unlike Windows Word, my 2011 Mac Word does have Zotero option for endnotes.
Any suggestions (patches, workarounds etc.) for Mac Word ?

1 workaround that is clunky:
Insert footnote in Word, drag Zotero item to footnote,
When done with footnotes, use Word/insert footnote/convert all to Endnote.

  • Do you mean you don't have a working Zotero Word plugin or just that there are no options for endnotes? The former we'd have to troubleshoot (it's generally available&works), the latter is just a question of the style you're using. Try e.g. Chicago (full-note) for endnotes.
  • thanks! That worked.
    Now we have problems with MS Word/Zotero on the same document (see later post)
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