Report 2038953161


I am getting errors after adding the first item to a group. The first goes in just fine, but after that, if I try to add anything, I get an immediate error like the one reported.

Any ideas? am I doing something wrong?

Thanks - this is looking very cool.

  • the actual error I'm getting is this:

    [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "'Invalid bound parameter false in '0' => "false"
    '1' => 24228
    [QUERY: SELECT creatorID FROM creators WHERE creatorDataID=? AND libraryID=?]' when calling method: [nsITreeView::drop]" nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js :: anonymous :: line 397" data: no]" {file: "chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js" line: 397}]
  • Could you give an example of an item you're trying to drag in and what creators it has?
  • Hello,

    Thanks... yeah... it does seem to be specific items.

    One is my Item ID 14441, "Counterterrorism: A Game Theoretic Analysis."

    I put the creator data up here...

    it was derived from this query if it helps...

    SELECT * FROM itemCreators INNER JOIN creators on itemCreators.creatorID = creators.creatorID INNER JOIN creatorData ON creators.creatorDataID = creatorData.creatorDataID where itemID = 14441


  • Hello again,

    I think I figured out something...

    I updated the google docs sheet...

    Any items where the shortName and birthYear are NULL do not seem to work... each of the items where those are not null copied no problem, the items where that is null did not copy.

    Hope that helps,

  • edited May 15, 2009
    Hi again,

    Last thing and I'll stop... I looked at my creator and creatorData tables... all of the items where the birthYear is null were created on or before October 28th 2008.

    Incidentally, I'm not positive about this, but my guess is that those were items I imported... I think I started using zotero in October 2008.

    Anyway, not sure if that helps... but there you go...


  • Thanks very much.
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