Tracking and managing excerpts with Zotero?

Can Zotero track sentence snippets with references? I am trying to come up with a system for tracking bullet-point level sentences or statements that include a reference to help write background or discussion sections in papers, and put together background materials for journal clubs and the like.

For example, if I am reading paper X and it states "To be clinically effective, drug D early administration within the first 12 hours of disease onset is important", I'd like to be able to select that sentence, click a bookmarklet, and have both the excerpt and the reference (with metadata) be entered into Zotero somehow. I'd also like to be able to tag those snippets, e.g with drugD, and then be able to have several snippets associated with the same publication, and then dump out a list of excerpts with references organized by tag. Ideally I'd also like to be able to track indirect references, e.g. if the above paper X was actually be citing paper Y that demonstrated the early treatment administration requirement, I'd like to track [paper Y, cited in paper X].

Something like:


Tag: DrugD

- "To be clinically effective, early administration within the first 12 hours of disease onset is important" [paper Y, cited in paper X]
- "drug D has been shown to be effective against early infection" [paper Z]


Is this doable with Zotero? Or hackable on top of Zotero?


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