OOo plugin hanging when editing citation....

Errror No: 1679629993
OpenOffice Version: 3.0.1
Zotero Version: 1.0.10
Plugin Version: 1.0b4
Operating System: Ubuntu Jaunty with Gnome

When I try to edit a citation in an existing document, Open Office just hangs and I have to do a kill -9 on the process in order to be able to do anything with it.
  • I run Jaunty w/ the beta version of Zotero without problems. Have you tried to enable debugging in Zotero & launch both OO.o & Firefox from the CLI (to get clues on what is happening on the console)?
  • There was nothing on the firefox logs. This is what I get from Open Office - new document with no citations in it...

    tsoloane@sefako:~$ script zotero.log
    Script started, file is zotero.log
    tsoloane@sefako:~$ oowriter
    tsoloane@sefako:~$ error: duplicate REP tables used
    Failure loading aff file /usr/share/myspell/dicts/en_ZA.aff
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,698 [CALL,tid 1]: Instantiating pyuno bridge
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,723 [CALL,tid 1]: try uno->py[0x-522b8d34].activate((string)"org.openoffice.pyuno.ZoteroRPC", (string)"", (string)"$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages/pm64kN_/Zotero.oxt/Scripts/", (
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,725 [CALL,tid 1]: try py->uno[0x9840a80].getValueByName((string)"/singletons/")
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,725 [CALL,tid 1]: success py->uno[0x9840a80].getValueByName()=(
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,725 [CALL,tid 1]: try py->uno[0x9baa880].expandMacros((string)"$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages/pm64kN_/Zotero.oxt/Scripts/")
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,726 [CALL,tid 1]: success py->uno[0x9baa880].expandMacros()=(string)"file:///home/tsoloane/"
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,769 [CALL,tid 1]: success uno->py[0x-522b8d34].activate()=(
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,769 [CALL,tid 1]: try uno->py[0x-5233cf14].createInstanceWithContext((
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,769 [CALL,tid 1]: success uno->py[0x-5233cf14].createInstanceWithContext()=(
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,770 [CALL,tid 1]: try uno->py[0x-522b8d34].getTypes()
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,770 [CALL,tid 1]: success uno->py[0x-522b8d34].getTypes()=([]any){ (any){ (type) }, (any){ (type) } }
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,770 [CALL,tid 1]: try uno->py[0x-522b8d34].getImplementationId()
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,770 [CALL,tid 1]: success uno->py[0x-522b8d34].getImplementationId()=([]byte){ (byte)0x27, (byte)0x-2d, (byte)0x46, (byte)0x-35, (byte)0x-7, (byte)0x65, (byte)0x4e, (byte)0x-65, (byte)0x-4f, (byte)0x-18, (byte)0x-45, (byte)0x5f, (byte)0x-22, (byte)0x61, (byte)0x-e, (byte)0x-7e }
    2009-05-14 19:46:41,771 [CALL,tid 1]: try uno->py[0x-522b8d34].execute(([]{ ({ Name = (string)"q", Value = (any){ (string)"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""; xmlns:xsi=""; SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""; xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><m:setDocPrefs xmlns:m=""><input xsi:type="xsd:string">!:1.0b4/5/OOo</input></m:setDocPrefs></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>" } } })

    tsoloane@sefako:~$ exit
    tsoloane@sefako:~$ ps -ef | grep office
    tsoloane 26715 1 4 19:46 pts/4 00:00:02 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin -writer -splash-pipe=5
    tsoloane 26730 26673 0 19:47 pts/4 00:00:00 grep office
    tsoloane@sefako:~$ kill -9 26715
    tsoloane@sefako:~$ exit
    Script done, file is zotero.log

    Looks like the last one is a SOAP message to firefox, but the firefox logging shows nothing...
  • strange I get the following. wierd....

    tsoloane@sefako:~$ netstat -ltpn
    (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
    will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
    Active Internet connections (only servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5079/acroread
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
    tcp6 0 0 :::9418 :::* LISTEN -
    tcp6 0 0 ::1:631 :::* LISTEN -

    I have acroread version 9.1.0-7jaunty2

    This gets wierder & wierder
  • So acroread is bound to the port that Zotero would use. If you had enabled Zotero debugging, you should have seen a message about this.

    You can either kill acroread & start up Firefox (so that Zotero will presumably have its port back) or you can change the port that Zotero uses.
  • Did that & it worked fine. Will have to see where acroread ports are configured. never seen that one before, must be something to do with acroread 9. Thanks
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