Feature request: easy navigation through collections


I've been working with Zotero for a number of years now and I have accumulated a few thousand references that I have sorted in a multitude of collections.
Depending on the project(such as a systematic review) I'm working on there are typically a few collections that I systematically come back to. It would be great if Zotero had the following features:
- custom key shortcuts to instantaneously open a given collection (or the root of a library)
- links to collection to be able to switch between collections without having to scroll up and down the right navigation pane

I hope this request will find its way in the development plan.

Best regards
  • An option to search collections is planned, which should make it easier to do the sorts of things you want.
  • Note that you the collections pane supports find-as-you-type, so if you want to switch to a given library or collection you can press Cmd-Shift-L/Ctrl-Shift-L to highlight the collections pane and then start typing the name of the library or collection to select it. (If a library was collapsed and you wanted to get to a collection, you'd need to type the name of the library and then press right-arrow or + to expand collections (depending on how nested the one you were looking for was) and then type the collection name.)
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