Automatic matching of PDFs to existing references

Does Zotero have a feature to import PDFs and automatically attach them to existing references?

I am trying to import my Sente library into Zotero. The reference import seems to be fine, but it's unclear how to reattach the 1000's of PDFs in the My Sente Library folder to their associated references in Zotero. Obviously doing it manually is out of the question. EndNote seems to support this feature, but I can't figure out how to do this in Zotero.
  • It doesn't currently but importing your library should include PDFs and we've had multiple users report that working well e.g. using EndnoteXML
  • Working well with EndNote XML coming from EndNote, or EndNote XML produced by Sente? When I export from Sente in EndNote XML format, my url fields looks like this:


    After importing the XML file into Zotero, none of the records show as having an attachment.

    I am post-processing the XML file in Python before importing, so I can correct things if I need to. Should this field look different so Zotero will import correctly?
  • people were reporting this with Sente, but I'm only reporting hearsay.
    I'm actually not 100% sure, but the two things I'd try in a small sample file is to remove the file:// and to include the full path rather than ~/. I'd be surprised if it's the latter, but worth a try if removing file:// doesn't help.
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