
I tried looking for a bibliography style that would combine the features of the "numeric" styles (i.e. if I were to cite the same reference several times there would only be one occurrence in the bibliography and the same number would be used) but that would also do a cross-reference to the bibliography (i.e. I would only have to ctrl-click on the number in the text to get to the reference, like in Wikipedia for example)?
Thank you very much
  • Zotero does not create internal links between in text citation and bibliography. Sorry
  • oh ok, thank you.
    I though that since the "chicago" type of styles could do it there was a way, but I guess it's because they use the "add footnote" feature of Word, hence not a Zotero feature?
    I guess I'll do the bibliography without it, thank you again :)
  • that's exactly right, yes, the link from anchor to footnotes is a Word feature.
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