Differentiating books with the same title but different year

I have two different editions of the same book, which are substantially different and need to be kept separate. In subsequent citations I have to use short titles, and the requirement is to add the year in brackets, however, the short title needs to be in italics and the year not. Is there a way for Zotero (ie in the style) to identify such near duplicates, so that the style can then, and only then, add the year to the short title?
Alternatively, is it possible to force formatting, ie, don't italicise the bracketed year? I could then simply add the year to the short title.
  • edited December 11, 2017
    I'm not sure about the style. @adamsmith would have to comment on that, but you can force formatting by entering the Short Title like this:
    The short title <i>[2002]</i>

    This will invert the italics for the brackets and year relative to the rest of the field.
  • I'd need to see sample citations to say more.
  • @bwiernik:
    Cool, that will work just fine for this.

    Moser, Lebensbild (1898) (wie Anm. 2), S. 265
    Moser, Lebensbild (1908) (wie Anm. 11), S. 79

    "Lebensbild" is the short title and should be italics (not sure how to do this here)
    Works fine with the trick above, although only semi-automatic, ideally the style should deal with the problem, so that the short titles would not include the year, which the style should add from the respective field.
  • edited December 12, 2017
    Yes, that can be automated using
    <if disambiguate="true">
    <date variable="issued" form="numeric" date-parts="year"/>
  • I guess this cannot be entered in the visual editor, correct? Where does it go?
  • edited December 11, 2017
    It can be entered in the visual editor line by line. Or you can cut and paste it into the CSL file in a text editor. Either way, out it at the end of the <citation> section. Just before </layout>.
  • In the visual editor equivalent of this this is
    + Conditional
    + If
    Middle panel "The Citation is Disambiguated"

    + date
    Middle panel variable="year" form="numeric" date-parts="year"

    Placement at the end of layout as bwiernik says
  • @adamsmith:
    This doesn't work the way I hoped. I still get

    Moser, Lebensbild; Moser, Lebensbild.

    No date is added. Instead a letter is added to the date in the full display, ie:

    Andreas Moser, Joseph Joachim. Ein Lebensbild, Berlin 1898a; Andreas Moser, Joseph Joachim. Ein Lebensbild, Neue, umgearb. und erw. Ausg., 2 Bde., Berlin 1908b.

    The dates are actually the distinguishing detail, no need to append a and b.
    This makes no sense at all. I'll stick with the work around, unless there is another solution. No big deal if there isn't!
  • This almost certainly works if you do it right, but I'm afraid I don't have the time to walk you through detailed style customization. You could post the style as you have it to gist.github.com and maybe someone else can take a look.
  • edited December 12, 2017
    The line:

    <date variable="year" form="numeric" date-parts="year"/>

    gives me an error in the validator, that's probably the problem. Have I missed something? I copied and pasted from above. I will take it out and see what happens.
  • Use <code> </code> around xml to display it
  • Sorry, better?
  • sorry, that should have been <date variable="issued" form="numeric" date-parts="year"/>
  • This does work, at least theoretically. There is another problem though, in that the citations give a reference to the original footnote. Since that is not the same it seems that the style does not detect a disambiguation any more. Can that be excluded? (Ie "see note no x)
  • You mean you don't need the reference to the original note at all? Yes, you'd want to find the bit that refers to first-reference-note-number and delete it.

    What isn't possible, I'm afraid, is to have both that cross-reference _and_ the disambiguation by date logic.
  • Ah, ok, so that doesn't work. I guess I'll just go back to not having that disambiguation in the style, but use the work around.

    Thanks for trying!
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