Merge Chapters, Preserve Each Chapter's Endnote #s

Is there a way with Word (15.38) and Zotero to merge multiple documents, each a different chapter of a book, into one without the notes automatically resequencing?

The author I'm working for has written each chapter in a separate Word doc. My task is to merge all the chapters together while preserving the end notes from each.

I can't imagine this working, so I'm hoping someone on the vine knows.

Thank you!
-Team Zuboff
  • If the citation style uses actual Endnotes, you can use Word to have Endnotes restart numbering at each section (and the insert the different documents after section breaks.

    If by endnotes you are referring to numerical reference lists, the only way to achieve this is to remove Zotero field codes in copies of each document before merging them.
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