documentation of notification messages

I'm in the process of reverse-engineering the notifications that are generated when items are added, deleted, modified, added to a collection, when collections are moved etc. etc. The intent of this is to set up a distributed notification mechanism for a specialized collaboration extension. To reverse engineer the notifications, I'm using a simple modification of the notification call-back handler in the "Hello World" extension along with the code below to dump the four objects that are passed to the call-back.

At any rate, I would be happy to post the notes that I'm gathering on the notification messages, if there is general interest.

Regarding the code below -- maybe everyone but me knows how to dump JavaScript objects, but here's some code just in case. The output is "JSON-ish" and could be made into pure JSON with a little work. In fact, I plan to do this and I'll probably post that code as well

// dump object code adapted from here:
// usage e.g.: alert(dumpObj(extraData, "extraData", "", 0));

function dumpObj(obj, name, indent, depth) {

if (depth > 10) {
return indent + name + ": \n";

if (typeof obj == "object") {
var child = null;
var output = indent + name + "\n";
indent += "\t";
for (var item in obj)
try {
child = obj[item];
catch (e) {
child = "";

if (typeof child == "object") {
output += dumpObj(child, item, indent, depth + 1);
else {
output += indent + item + ": " + child + "\n";
return output;
// --- else ...
return obj;
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