Linked PDF unaccessible on 2nd computer

I'm running zotero on two different Windows computers. I manage files as links. On both computers I have created identical file structures using a network drive (z:\zotero). I'm using ZotFile to handle subfolders (using the \%c option). Everything works fine on the 1st computer (including entries that I create on the 2nd computer).

But all the PDFs that I link to on the 1st computer are missing on the 2nd. When I try to access them I get "The attached file could not be found". When I click "Locate..." nothing happens.

Using Zutilo on the 2nd computer to display the file path of a missing file I get something like "attachments:Collection/File.pdf" (with slash instead of backslash). When I display the file path of an existing file (that I attached on the 2nd computer) I get something like "Z:\Zotero\Collection\File.pdf".

Any idea of what happened and how to resolve the issue?


  • It looks like you have the Base Directory feature set in the Advanced Preferences on the the second computer. Disable that and you should be fine.
  • Thank you, that's exactly what I missed! Now works like a charm...
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