"Attach New File" and "Renaming" Problem

When I click "Attach New File", Zotero does nothing.
I've tried to reinstall Zotfile, but it was good only for a while. Then the problem came back.
When this happens, Zotfile Preference from the Menu bar will not work either.
I will have to go to "Add-ons" first and from there click the Preference button.

If I close Zotero and restart it, it will work for a while.

Anther problem is with the Renaming function. After installing the latest version, when I download an article (automatically) from EBSCO, zotero does not do the renaming anymore. I had to manually click it by right click and choose from the manu to make it work.

  • What version of Zotero and Zotfile?
  • Zotero 5.0.26
    Zotfile 5.0.6
  • Just updated to 5.0.27.
    The same problem. Renaming does not work when I import files. I have to manually click the renaming option.
  • How are you importing the items? They automatically rename for me when I import using the Zotero Connector in the browser or if I drag a PDF from a folder on my computer to an item in Zotero. (I'm using the Zotero 5.0.28 beta and Zotfile 5.0.6.)
  • I use the Chrome connector to import entry from EBSCO. The attachment is automatically downloaded, but the attachment is not moved to the appointed folder, and it is not renamed automatically.

    I also tried dragging attachments to the already existed entries, and it does not auto rename either.
  • edited November 20, 2017
    Hmm, that is not the behavior that's expected, and I can't replicate it. In Zotfile's preferences, what are your settings for "Location of Files" in the General tab and for "Use Zotero to Rename" in the Renaming Rules Tab?

    Also, probably most importantly, what are your settings in the Advanced tab of Zotfile's settings for "Automatically rename new attachments", "Ask user when attaching new files", and "Only work with the following filetypes"?

    If adjusting those settings (particularly the Advanced ones) doesn't fix the issue, then we have to do a bit more troubleshooting. This probably won't help, but can you try to remove Zotfile and reinstall it?

    After that, if the problem remains, can you submit a Debug Output ID (from the Help menu) for an attempt to drag an attachment to an already existing item that fails to move/rename?

    (Behind the scenes, what happens is that Zotfile duplicates the attachment as a linked attachment, renames and moves it, then deletes the original attachment.)
  • edited November 21, 2017
    1. For "Location of Files", I use "Custom Location": /Users/***/Dropbox/Zotero. I also checked "Use subfolder defined by "/%w".

    2. In the Advanced tab:
    ___for "Automatically rename new attachments", I chose "Only ask if item has other atts" I have changed to "Always ask" and "Always rename". Neither made any difference.
    ___for "Ask user when attaching new files", I checked this box.
    ___for "Only work with the following filetypes"? I have "pdf,doc,docx,txt,rtf,djvu" This is the default.

    I have removed and reinstalled Zotfile, and it did not make any difference either.

    I think I may have a little bit more information for you.
    After the file was download, I located the attachment on my computer. Although the attachment name in Zotero is still "EBSCO Full Text", the file in the folder has been renamed, for example, as "Ron - 2016 - In the Second Year of the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar". The Renaming format I have in ZotFile preference is "{%a_}{%y_}{%t}". This is slightly different from the format above (" - " vs. "_"). Even when I manually rename the attachment from the menu, the renamed file will conform to the " -" format, not the "_" format. This is interesting...

    Edit: more interestingly, when I uncheck "Use Zotero to Rename", then modify the format a little bit, say, from "{%a_}{%y_}{%t}" to "{%a - }{%y_}{%t}", clicking "Update" for review, I will get the latter format (which is expected), but after checking the box before "Use Zotero to Rename", and go back to rename an attachment, the format will always be back to "{%a - }{%y - }{%t}".

    Furthermore, the file stays at its original downloaded place. It is not moved to my "Dropbox/Zotero" folder.

    The Debug Output ID is: D1795557208.

    When I drag an attachment to an entry, the file is not renamed. The original file is not affected. An reduplicated file is created.

    Thanks a lot for your patience and help!
  • OK. My bad.
    I thought I have to check the "Use Zotero to Rename".
    It looks like that I must UNcheck it in order for Zotfile to take over.

    I'm very sorry for that. I guess I forgot my 4.* settings, misunderstood the Renaming Rules settings and thought I ought to check the box.

    Now all my problems are gone!!!

    Thank you very much!
  • Glad you figured things out!
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