Why using DOI to retrieve references in Zotero?

edited November 14, 2017
Hello to everyone,
maybe some of you can kindly help me with a doubt I have had for months.
If a user asks me why he/she should use a DOI to retrieve an item to include in Zotero library instead of other means, what should i answer?
I mean I know what DOI is but i still can't understand which practical benefits the DOI gives to Zotero searches, compared to other means of searching for elements to save in its library.
Anyone can give me some useful ideas on this topic?
Thank you so much in advance.
  • The best way to add items to the library is using the Zotero browser button from the item page on the publisher website. This will get the best metadata and often the PDF if available. Adding by DOI using the magic wand tool is very fast if you already have the DOI (e.g., if you are copying from a reference list), and it will give very good metadata (though it won’t have abstracts), but it won’t automatically download the PDF. Adding by DOI will often give better results than, say, importing from Google Scholar or using the “Retrieve Metadata for PDF” function.
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