Using Zotero with Internet Explorer

Can anyone advise me how I can use Zotera with Internet explorer?
  • Internet Explorer doesn’t have an extensions framework (like Firefox or Chrome), so there isn’t a Zotero connector for Internet Explorer.

    There is a bookmaret that can use:

    This bookmarklet will import items to the server (which you can then sync down to your local Zotero desktop app). This is less convenient than the connector plugin for Firefox/Chrome and it isn’t as powerful (e.g., you can’t change its settings or import webpages that Zotero doesn’t recognize), but that is the limitation of Internet Explorer.

    In general, I recommend you switch to using Firefox or Chrome. These both are being actively developed, whereas Internet Explorer is not.
  • Thank you very much for your swift response.
  • So the bookmarklet doesn't seem to work for me on IE10, at PubMed or J Med Chem - two sites I would think there should be a good translator for. Just keep getting an error saying "Saving file. . ." and some text about translator compatability with a link, but it never saves to my standalone Zotero on Windows 7.
  • The bookmarklet only saves to the web library. Is it saving there?
  • Yes, it worked now, but wasn't yesterday for some reason. But obviously, IE doesn't have really good translators, so what it ended up importing was not very helpful, from PubMed or a Science Direct journal. As usual, will stick to FF and Chrome, and recommend as such.
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