Recovery of lost Notes after merging

Dear Forum,
I merged to entries of the same article, keeping the more recent version as "master". But unfortunately the notes contained in this entry are gone now (why so?).
Is there any way to recover these notes? (or to "undo" the merging process?)
  • We can debug that further, but start by making an immediate backup of your Zotero data directory. You can then try restoring from an automatic backup. (You might not need all the instructions there, and they're not all applicable to Zotero 5.0. The important thing is to disable auto-sync and then try swapping in one of the recent backups to see if you can find the note again. We can then take it further from there.)
  • Just to be sure, have you expanded the item (by typing + or clicking the little triangle on the left) to see that both notes are not there? Merging should combine all notes and attachments for both items.
  • dstillman and bwiernik, thanks for your fast replies.
    Embarrassingly (still fortunately) the notes are back after a reboot. Should´ve tried that first!
  • No worries on you asking for help. In the case of potential data loss, it's always better to come here to ask for help first. Glad you got things working!
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