Wrong citation format

Help! I'm new to Zotero and while I've watched all the tutorial videos on youtube and I have gone through the setting up process a couple of times I still cannot get Zotero to cite my sources in the Turabian 8th edition full-note format. Everything comes out in some sort of short form. Can anyone help?
  • how are you citing and where exactly are you selecting the citation style?
  • As to how I'm citing... When I need to cite I click on the Zotero tab and choose "add citation", I then choose the reference material, add page number if appropriate and choose OK. I have chosen the citation style in the preferences area and found it under the citation tab.
  • edited November 8, 2017
    right, that's not where you choose the citation style for your Word document. That happens either the first time you cite or by clicking "Set Document Preferences" in the Word tab: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage
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