Report ID: 73814564

This error report comes from Zotero connector, in firefox 52.4.0 (64 bits) under Mageia linux 6.
When trying to download a pdf file, I right clicked on the file, in the popup menu selected Zotero connector, first went to preferences and authorized, then click on "Save to zotero" but nothing happened. Tried two o three times, may be repeated errors appear due to that. Finally back to preferences-> advanced and Submit report.

May be I did something wrong, I don't know.
  • first went to preferences and authorized
    Just to be clear, this isn't something you need to or should do. You just need to open Zotero and then click the Save to Zotero button in the toolbar. If Zotero is closed, the Connector will automatically ask you if you want to save to your online library (though that won't work for PDFs).

    Update to version 5.0.25 of the Zotero Connector, which was just released, and if you're still having trouble provide a Debug ID from the Connector for the save attempt.
  • Hi Dan,

    What I was trying to do is to save a pdf file to zotero. I did click the "Save to zotero" item but nothing happened, even just after installing connector 5.0.25, but after a while (when I was arranging all this) I discovered the the two submenu items appeared, ... but this is not what I wanted. Not sure why at first didn't worked

    Debug ID is D892708169, but you can dismiss it now.

    Would it be possible at some time in the future to save single files to zotero, like the "before standalone" days?. What I was attempting to do was to save a pdf file to add as an attachment to an existing item.

  • Would it be possible at some time in the future to save single files to zotero, like the "before standalone" days?. What I was attempting to do was to save a pdf file to add as an attachment to an existing item.
    Yes, we're planning to add that functionality to the connector.
  • This isn't a super technical contributions. But I had a couple different pdf viewers installed in Chrome, and if I opened a pdf with that extension, even if Zotero was online, nothing would happen when I clicked "Save to Zotero". I removed those extensions and now am able to save pdfs to Zotero from Chrome without issue.
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