Ignore capitalizations of articles in other language

edited November 1, 2017
Dear Zotero..

Currently I am working on book project that use author-date format for it's bibiliography style. The book is Indonesian language. One of the conditions is using 'title-case' in bibliography title. Here's the problem come. One example:

Besar sampel dan cara pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian kedokteran dan kesehatan di Indonesia.

If I use 'sentence-case' in zotero metadata, and convert it to 'title-case' in CSL style, the result will be capitalizations of every single word, including "articles and conjunctions" in Indonesian language, e.g. 'dan', 'dalam', and 'di'.

Is there any way so CSL can ignore to capitalize that articles, as seen in English language (eg. and, if, and of)?
If possible I would like to keep Zotero metadata in 'sentence-case' as the documentation suggested.

Thank you before,,
  • You can turn off title casing for items in a foreign language using
    but no, Zotero can't handle title-casing in any language other than English. I'm not sure we're going to be able to in the future, to be honest, though it's good to know that the concept exists in Indonesian (it doesn't in most other languages).
  • Thank for your help Adamsmith.

    I understand. The link above was very useful.

    But currently the requirement for our style above doesn't differentiate between foreign and native language. So whether it's in English or Indonesian, the title must be in 'title-case'. I think this is a little bit of odd.

    May be my workarounds will be:
    1. For title in English, I will use 'sentence case' in library.
    2. For title in Indonesian, I will use 'title case' instead directly in library.
    3. If sometimes I need a same reference in Indonesian language to be 'sentence case', may be I will just create duplicate item (?). Because If I convert it in CSL style, there will be some nouns or pronouns lowercased. (e.g. Indonesia become indonesia, New York become new york, etc)

    Thank you once again..
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