changing to the standalone Zotero (eek!)

I have been running Zotero integrated with Firefox since about 2002 or so. I see that Zotero 5.0 goes to a Standalone format only, and I found the page that explains the new Zotero Connector that will replace what I have been using. I am on a MacBook Pro using OS 10.12.1. I am one of those people who lives in terror of disrupting, losing, or destroying my Zotero library. And I am also one of those people (please don't throw bricks or rotten eggs) who panics when I have to modify any system I'm using. So this upgrade is making my knees knock. Is anyone willing and available to walk me through this upgrade a step at a time, giving me feedback and helping me trouble-shoot if I have problems? Or does anyone know of a discussion thread where this has been done for someone else, so I can follow those steps? Thank you.
  • Download and install the Zotero 5 app from here:

    Open the new app. Your library database will be automatically updated for use with the new app. (It also makes a backup of your unchanged database before making any changes, so don't worry there.)

    Then, install the new Zotero browser connector (also from the downloads page above). This is how Zotero communicates with Firefox (it's the same way the Zotero Standalone app has always worked and how users have connected with Chrome and Safari).

    Moving forward, your workflow isn't very different. Just be sure that you have the Zotero app open when you want to save items.

    If you have any questions or issues during the upgrade process, feel free to post here with your questions.
  • Commenting on my own comment: I see the page says Zotero started about 10 years ago, so I clearly misremember how long I have used it. But it was very new when a tech at our university showed it to me and I thought sure it was before 2004. Shows you how a mind can bend the facts. :-)
  • Thank you, bwiernik. I just want to be sure: are you saying that I literally cannot destroy or wipe out my library by accident somehow when I do this? (That would certainly make me feel better.)
  • Zotero can't destroy your data during the upgrade process. If you want to be doubly sure to calm your nerves, make a backup copy of your Zotero data directory before you start:
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