BioMed Central In-Rext Citations

For some reason, Zotero is collapsing in-text citations in the BioMed Central style. For example, when I use references 9, 10, and 11, the in-text citation appears as [9-11] instead of [9, 10, 11] as it should be in this style. How do I change it so the references are not collapsed in the in-text citations? Thanks!
  • edited October 27, 2017
    Yes, this looks like an error that will need to be fixed in the Zotero/CSL style.

    Edit: Sorry, only looked at the HTML and not an article PDF.
  • Thank you! Do you know by when it will be fixed? Once it is fixed, do I just need to refresh the document to have the changes occur, or is there something else I have to do to apply them? Thanks again!
  • edited October 27, 2017
    why do you think they shouldn't be collapsed? Collapsing is standard in numerical styles and I don't see anything to the contrary in the author guidelines, and citations are collapsed in the PDF. The HTML version of the article (where they are not) is typically not a good guide for how citations should be formatted.
  • Yes, see e.g. the PDF from this month, which shows "ribosome profiling has played a key role in driving several biological discoveries [7–26]." (

    My guess is that they just separate them out in the HTML view so that readers can click on the reference they want more information about, but I doubt that that's what they want for submissions.
  • Ooh, my mistake! Thank you so much for noticing that! I checked another PDF, and the references are collapsed there as well. I originally thought this was correct but confused myself looking at the HTML version without concurrently looking at the PDF version. Thank you again for your help and quick responses!!
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