Problem installing libreoffice extension

I'm trying to install the libreoffice extension for my husband. He has libreoffice on a ubuntu computer. I've checked and it's up to date. I've installed zotero standalone 5.0. If I try to install via cite it asks me to install the libreoffice unokpg executable and I can't find it, so I'm doing it manually instead.
When I try this, I get a system dependencies check saying "Extension requires at least reference version 4.1. Any idea what this means?
  • edited October 25, 2017
    LibreOffice is not up to date -- it's from 2014 -- if you're running an old LTS in Ubuntu (14.04?), they might still point to that in the channels, but you should find an alternative PPA then. OpenOffice reference version 4.1 corresponds to LibreOffice 4.3, but you should really be using something of the 5.x branch of LibreOffice, probably 5.3
  • Thanks! Yes we're using 14.04. Can't face the upgrade - especially when he's in the middle of essay season.
    Off to look for an uptodate version of libreoffice then.
  • Thanks. Got it all installed, although having seen how different libreoffice 5 looks, I might be in trouble when he gets home and can't find his way around it.
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