Attachments do not follow items into group library

When I drag a group of items into the group library, attachments do not follow.
How can I make sure pdf attachments follow, so that everybody in the group can work/see these pdfs?

Thank you,
  • In your Zotero preferences, in the General tab, under “Groups”, there is a series of check boxes about what to copy when you move items between libraries. Ensure that the one about snapshots and imported files is checked.

    And also make sure that file sharing is enabled for the group in the group's settings on this website.
  • Thanks!

    Is there a way to allow external storage for pdfs in groups similarly to my main library? Zotero storage is just too expensive for 2017. Generally speaking one can get 10-16 GB storage for free almost anywhere.

  • No, there isn't. The pricing is roughly comparable to similar products like Mendeley -- you can't compare Zotero's storage to Dropbox or; they're not the same thing.

  • edited January 26, 2018
    Just to add that if the "copy ... files" is selected, you can shift-drag to copy without attachment. The reverse doesn't seem to be true - would be nice if it was! Edit: Apologies - the shift drag doesn't seem to work either way.
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