ID rapport: 34405551

Today I use to synchronise all my files.
I have a problem of sync. This ID appears.
What can I do?

Other question: how can I sync my files' group with my Box count.

Thank you for your help.

  • You can't sync groups through box -- currently the only way to sync files in groups in Zotero storage (this is a technical limitation: it'd be quite difficult to get the permissions for group access right with webDAV)
  • Hello Adam,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I have an another question: How I can erase My Library Sync on the Zotero server without erase my libraries' group?

    Thank you for your help.

  • If you just want to free up space taken up by your personal library (and you plan to switch to e.g. WebDAV syncing) you can just use Purge Storage here:

    that does not affect groups. If you actually want to get rid of all synced data (even the free, synced metadata), that's trickier.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for all. It's working.

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