finding people and sharing library

I cant seem to find a colleague in zotero. Help please?..

Also, are we able to share references WITH PDFS through Group Libraries?

thank you!!!!
  • What exactly do you mean for your first question? If you have a colleague you’d like to invite to a group, it’s easiest for them to just give you their email address or Zotero username.

    Yes, Private Open and Private Closed Groups can have File Attachments. They use Zotero File Storage and count against the group owner’s (but by other members’) Storage quota.
  • bwiernik-- thank you!!

    for the first question-- i mean that i did a People search in zotero and could not find my colleague, using her username and also email and also first name.. Did i do something wrong, or is there a diff way? What are we missing?..

    re file attachements -- i moved the folders to the group folder but the File Attachments didnt follow... Did i miss a step?..

    thanks so much!
  • edited October 22, 2017
    The People Search seems to be a bit buggy. You could try searching for just first or last name, but it’s honeslty better if you already know the person to just enter the email or username when you invite them to a specific group.

    Check in the Zotero preferences that the option to take attachments with the items when you move them between Group libraries is checked.
  • oh-- thanks. the invite thing worked! I didnt know there was that option. And i had to look around a bit but found it. thanks!

    however, re file attachments -- i went into Preferences and this is checked: "sync attachment files in group libraries using Zotero storage. Download files AT SYNC TIME." I did do a refresh of the sync, but the files still didnt follow. Any further ideas please?..

  • In the General tab, under “Groups”, there is a series of check boxes about what to copy when you move items between libraries. Ensure that the one about snapshots and imported files is checked.
  • And also make sure that file sharing is enabled for the group in the group's settings on this website.
  • thank you-- it worked!! im now able to share.

    i really appreciate your help.
  • I've had the same problem about finding colleagues. I think it's because we've just registered, maybe the datas are not updated yet. I'll keep looking.
  • In general, if there is a specific person you are looking for, I would just invite them using their email or username, rather than the People section.
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