Report ID 691115084 Update not working

Report ID 691115084

At Start up, the following error appears
The update could not be installed. Please make sure there are no other copies of Zotero running on your computer, and then restart Zotero to try again.

If I manually try to update with Help-check for updates, then the update windows opens but doesn't do anything.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Starting the application
2) automatic search for updates fails
1) Manually try to update
2) Update Window opens but does nothing.

Working on Ubuntu, Zotero Version 5.0.21.

  • How did you install it to begin with?

    If I just download the 5.0.21 tarball and extract it, and then run it, I'm able to update it.
  • Hi,

    it somehow messed up ownership of my folders. Changing ownership from root to me again fixed the problem. Strange since it worked before.
    After starting zotero it installed the firefox addon again and now it works fine and looking for updates does work, too.

    Thanks anyway. Should I change the title to ... solved?
  • Zotero definitely couldn't change something to root on its own, but if you ran Zotero as root previously and did an update then some files would be changed to root. Anyhow, glad it's working now. No need to mark threads as solved.
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