right-click in Zotero 5 results in misplaced / oversized menu window
I upgraded from Vs. 4 to the latest Vs. 5 today. I'm using a Macbook, with two screens (Macbook screen to the left, external monitor to the right). Zotero resides in the left windoww.
It frequently happens now that a right-click brings up the resulting "action menu" on the right screen (exterenal monitor), at a significantly increased size. Have a look at https://www.dropbox.com/s/0aaai88ef75jt87/Screen Shot AddAttachment.pdf?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dn15dit2cintipj/Screen Shot MergeFile.pdf?dl=0
Seems like a bug that needs fixing.
thank you,
It frequently happens now that a right-click brings up the resulting "action menu" on the right screen (exterenal monitor), at a significantly increased size. Have a look at https://www.dropbox.com/s/0aaai88ef75jt87/Screen Shot AddAttachment.pdf?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dn15dit2cintipj/Screen Shot MergeFile.pdf?dl=0
Seems like a bug that needs fixing.
thank you,
thanks for getting back to me. Here's what I've figure out:
The problem occurs reproducibly when I right-click in the "Creator", "Year", "Citekey" columns. Right-click in the side bar, or the "Title" column works flawlessly.
"reproducibly" means: every time, provided that
1) I use the Macbook Display and the external monitor as separate displays (i.e. no mirroring), with the external monitor being the "main display" (i.e. the one where you place the menu bar in Displays Preferences/Arrangement).
2) Zotero is located on the Macbook Display
Switching the role of the displays, or moving Zotero to the main display, or using only one display resolves the problem. So there's an obvious workaround: use Zotero only int the "main display". But it would be nice to have this fixed.
Restarts don't change the behaviour
PS: OS is latest version of "El Capitain".