URLs in MLA on online citation generator

edited September 18, 2017
Hi. I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.

I'm not getting URLs in the MLA style using the Zotero.org "My Library" citation generator. It's not clear whether Zotero.org is using the 7th edition or the 8th edition either.

Any idea what I can do to get those URLs, other than use the desktop generator, which is not an option? (Class full of Chromebooks.)
  • MLA 7th edition doesn't require URLs as a default. There's a version with URLs for Desktop users, but it's not available for the online version, sorry.
  • Thanks, adamsmith.

    Is there any plan to make it 8th edition? And is there any plan to include URLs?

  • I think yes, that style should switch to the 8th edition in the relatively near future -- not sure about the URL, though -- as I say, there is a separate style available for regular Zotero users; the website has always been pretty limited.
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