Strange behavior with citations following a hanging indent (

Please forgive me if this issue has already been reported. I searched on the site, but was not able to find the issue listed. However, since I don't know how to clearly label the problem, I could have easily overlooked it.

Zotero seems to behave oddly when a citation is inserted either in a paragraph with a hanging indent, or following a paragraph with a hanging indent. (I am using Zotero 1.5 and OpenOffice 3.1, though the behaviors also seem to occur with the combination of Zotero 1.0.9 and 3.0).

The behavior seems to be different depending on if I "Format Using" Bookmarks or Fields (from the "Set Document Preferences" button).

When I use Bookmarks, pictures on pages after the Zotero generated bibliography will slowly be "eaten." The disappearance of pictures does not happen every time Zotero updates the document (i.e. after a new citation is inserted), but there will be at least one disappearance after every few updates. (There were also cases where pictures were deleted, and other pictures in the document were duplicated. However, I have not been able to replicate this problem.)

When I use Fields, the paragraph following a hanging indent will switch from double to single spaced. This problem is not as bad as the first issue, but it is still irritating.

It also seems that when I switch from Bookmarks to Fields, Zotero will sometimes eat all of the pages after the Bibliography. Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this problem, and so I cannot give more details.
  • Hi. thanks for your comment to my posting. Yes, it is exactly the same problem. Your description in much better than mine, I didn't notice the indent was an issue, but I did find tables in particular are not only "eaten" but the contents might appear and reappear randomly.
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