Search hangs in Zotero 5
I just upgraded to Zotero 5 (5.0.17) and search hangs every fifth or sixth time I do a search. I enter some search string in the box at the top, and the little "busy icon" circles around next to the search box forever. Sometimes I eventually get partial search results appearing in the middle window, but grayed out and non-responsive. Hitting the X in the search window clears the search window but does not stop the busy icon or wake the rest of Zotero. If I close Zotero then restart it and enter the same string in the search, it works fine until I've done a few more searches, when it hangs again. Search is set to All Fields & Tags.
I do a lot of searches and this is really a pain. Please fix.
- Flagman
I do a lot of searches and this is really a pain. Please fix.
- Flagman
If you're still seeing it in 5.0.18, does it happen if you haven't made any item changes in the last 15 seconds (or if you temporarily disable auto-sync in the Sync pane of the preferences)?
If not, knowing that it's related to a combination of syncing and searching, are you able to figure out more specific steps that get it to occur and not occur?
I dragged a few things from my main library into a collection. Other than that, I'm not updating my database.
The Debug ID is D1314976694.
You can install Zotero with a non-admin account and I think that's actually preferable.
I'm also noticing another problem which happened again during this debug logging: sometimes, all my items suddenly expand when I edit something. I can't recall this ever happening with Z4 and I haven't noticed yet whether it happens consistently - but it's quite annoying too! Is there a new shortcut I'm accidentally hitting?
Note that these are for triggering it after a restart.