Note Changes Not Saved

I often edit notes in a separate window and sometimes, when I close the window, the changes aren't saved. My primary use of zotero involves storing the data directory on a portable USB drive (with related files). I've found that these saving issues occur only when there is a temporary or permanent disconnect of the USB drive, usually accidental, and sometimes associated with a computer suspend. The problem is fixed by restarting zotero with the portable drive connected, but at this stage, the data has been lost. The problem for me is that there is no warning from zotero before I close the note window and lose my work.

Could zotero be modified to do one or more of the following:
a) zotero is able to "refind" a lost data directory when the related drive is reconnected
b) the user is warned immediately if there are any failures to write to the data directory. This would greatly reduce the amount of work lost.
b) if changes to a note cannot be saved before leaving/closing the note window/pane, a dialog box gives the user the opportunity to cancel leaving/closing. This would allow the user to copy changes to notes before they disappear.

My system:
Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
Zotero 5.0.17
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