Zotero Connector FF 50.1.10

J'ai pu installer correctement Zotero 5.0 sur mon PC professionnel (Windows 7).
MAIS je ne peux pas installer le connecteur. Message : "n'a pas pu être installé car n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 50.1.0".
Je ne trouve pas dans la documentation la version 'minimale' de FF à utiliser pour pouvoir installer le connecteur Zotero associé à la version 5.0.
Merci !
  • You should just update to the latest version of Firefox (and not delay updates unless really necessary), which is currently Firefox 55, or switch to a long-term support version, currently Firefox 52 ESR.
  • Ok thanks.

    But does the connector work on 50.1.0 ?
  • In other word :
    If I want to recommand zotero 5.0 to our library user, which is the minium software version for FF ?
  • Currently Firefox 52. However, note that running old versions of browsers is extremely unsafe as they don't receive security patches and may be vulnerable to opening your computer to attacks, so you should update as a general healthy step, not only something you do for Zotero to work. Zotero Connector will generally always work with the latest version of Firefox and the latest version of Firefox ESR.
  • Zotero 5.0 is a standalone app that doesn't require any browser to use. There are separate browser connector plugins for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. The Firefox connector currently requires at least Firefox 51.0. But you really, really always want to be on the current release version (currently 55) or the current long-term support version (currently 52 ESR). Using an older version of a browser is extremely unsafe. The Zotero connector always requires a current version of the browser.
  • Ok thanks a lot, I'll refer about that to our informatic support.
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