Advance online publication

I find nature provides advance online publication to make the author declare their paper as soon as when the peer-preview process is finished(for more detail: So there are two dates for that paper entry: one is the online publication date, the other is press publication date. I want to keep both dates when I do the citation. However, there is only one date entry in zotero Journal Aticle type. How could I handle this?
This problem also comes up when I deal with the preprint version of journal articles.
  • You can add this to the extra field; for exaple as variable 'original-date' or 'submitted' if you need to use this info in your own style.
  • I'm not quite sure what the question is: do you actually need to store both publication dates for any reason?
  • (Personally, I would like for Zotero to store both dates. I have some ongoing research looking at changes in publication lead times and citation rates over time. Would be helpful to be able to use Zotero for data collection there.)
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