Weird line spacing issue with Zotero and word for Mac


I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this as I have been browsing the forum all day and found no similar problems!

I'm currently trying to complete a very large thesis that has taken 5 years of very painful work but have a major problem with how zotero has 're-arranged my document'.

Basically, I have ignored the problem until now as I thought it would be easy to just go back and fix but it really isn't!

When I add certain citations (not all, just some) zotero will add the citation so it is slightly above the line of text, which effectively changes the line spacing (so it looks like double spaced when it is not). However, even if I try to change the line spacing in word, word still thinks it is single spaced and it doesn't sort the problem.

I have tried many things such as copying and pasting into a new document, changing the citation styles, messing around with formatting in word, and nothing will work.

As a result my document looks a real mess - lines all over the place with some citations above the line and loads of paragraphs with different spacing.

If you need more information just let me know. I find it hard to explain as it's an odd problem that I just cannot fix. Even when I opened the file up in another computer the line spacing would not change back to normal.

The weird thing is that I managed to get the citations down from being above the text by removing unusual author names (such as non-English characters like accents etc.) but the line spacing still won't change back to single spaced.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me : )
  • odd -- first time I hear this. Could you take a screenshot & post it somewhere we can look at it (dropbox, If you don't mind, it'd also be great to have a short excerpt with that problem (asking you to upload rather than e-mail since various people, many not working at Zotero itself, may want to take a look to help figure this out). And version numbers of all software involved (Zotero, word processor, OS)
  • Hi Adam,

    I apologise as I happened to actually just solve this problem a few minutes ago, even though I spent the whole day trying to solve it - I happened to figure it out right after posting on here!

    Thanks for your assistance however, I appreciate it!

    I clicked to clear all formatting and it seems to have worked - have to reformat the whole document which is a total pain but its doable at least.

    Thanks : )
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