Feature Request

1. Google like search engine like https://ambar.cloud/
2. Next, Previous, Go to Option like Folio Views
3. Number of hits found before hitting the actual search like Folio Views
4. Import options from Zim, Treepad or other wikis.
5. Handling huge number of documents by providing quick search via Solr or Apache Lucene
6. Support for tamil language
7. Having tags for each document (Reference: https://collatenotes.com/)
8 .Built in web clipper (save webpages locally) - (Reference: https://collatenotes.com/)
9. Support for full text search in huge text nodes - example atleast 10,000 nodes with 100 kb of text each. Most note-taking software couldn't handle such huge content due to missing indexing
10. Quickest search results via indexing through Apache Lucene like docFetcher (http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/portable-desktop-search-make-the-most-of-docfetcher/)
  • 7 and 8 already exist in Zotero. You can tag items of any kind (including attachments). Zotero calls web clips “snapshots”. By default, it saves a snapshot each time you import an item from the browser connector (you can change this in the General Preferences). You can also save a snapshot by right-clicking on the browser connector button.
  • For 6, translations of Zotero are crowd-sourced. There are instructions at https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/localization that explain how you can contribute.
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