5.0.17 still can not batch save documents on CNKI

5.0.17 still can not batch save documents on CNKI, the website:
Look forward to the next version of the amendment.
  • Could you ever import multiple items at once from CNKI? I thought I remember that that was never supported.
  • This looks like a continuation of the discussion https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/280979 . The search results are part of an iframe which is currently not detected, but that should be easy to fix.

    However, another problem seems to the saved metadata iteself. For multiples only one item is saved and even for a single entry the saved metadata are always the same. Can someone confirm that? It looks for me, that way, we try to get the structured data in RefWorks format from that page, has changed. But I don't know how to fix that...
  • @zhangyunhua The one fix for multiples is now active. Let me whether this works now. For any other problematic case we need a specific url or search terms in a generic search website.
  • @zuphilip Now it works well both on Firefox and chrome. Thanks for you hard work!
  • At that time I really wanted to give you a search link, But in CNKI, re-open any search link, the results will change, I do not know how the matter.
  • (if you ever need to report again, instead of a URL just telling us exactly what you searched for will do)
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