Creating bibliography directly from document

Hello Everybody,
I have a question, probably the answer is no - but I thought I might ask anyhow to save myself a lot of work in case I'm wrong.
Just finished writing a scholarly book, and have a Zotero library of some 1500 citations, only about half of which actually made it into the book.
Sadly, I wasn't smart enough to make these distinctions as I was writing the work - so they are all in the same library, no distinctions between citations used and unused.
My question is, is there any possibility of just creating a bibliography directly from the document, so that I don't need to separate those citations that I used from those that I didn't or do I have to go and sift through the whole list of 1500 refs to find out which ones are part of the book and which aren't. Maybe there is some other kind of workaround to avoid this painstaking work?
  • Did you enter citations in the document using the Zotero Word/LibreOffice plugin or as plain text? If the former, you can simply click the Add/Edit Bibliography button in the Zotero tab.
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