Add Attachments to Standalone Notes

I would like to use the Add Attachments functionality with standalone notes, but it is not possible now.
  • I don't think that's going to happen. What's the use case? Why not attach both attachment and note to a parent item?
  • (I use the 'Document' item type for this, which is otherwise rather useless.)
  • If I have a note, I could just attach a local file to it. Otherwise, if I have the note first, I must:
    1. Create a Document item
    2. Drag the note under it
    3. Add a link to the file.

    But perhaps the note functionality is rather basic. You also can't add child notes to standalone notes. You can't create a parent item from a standalone note either.

    I use notes quite extensively that do not refer to references, so this would extend the note functionality.
  • In your workflow, I would recommend switching to making Document items, then adding notes, attachments, links, etc. to them. Under the hood, Note items are a very different type of data structure than Parent Items, so I don't think there will be an option to add attachments, child notes, etc. to standalone notes.

    Being able to Create a parent item for a note would be nice though (@dstillman).
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